Davis Instruments 6345 Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station for Vantage Pro2

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We are interested in Davis Instruments 6345 Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station for Vantage Pro2 from amazon and I read about that ,I think that wonderfull.

About Davis Instruments 6345 Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station for Vantage Pro2 detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #400196 in Kitchen & Housewares
  • Brand: Davis

Davis Instruments 6345 Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station for Vantage Pro2 Description

Solar-powered station includes transmitter and battery inside weather-resistant shelter. Sensors are sold separately, letting you build the station that matches your needs. To view the data, add a wireless Vantage Pro2 console/receiver, or Weather Envoy or WeatherLink. Each can receive data from either: 1. A single fully-populated station with 2 leaf wetness sensors, 4 soil moisture sensors, and 4 temperature probes, or 2. Two partially-populated stations, one with 2 leaf wetness sensors and 2 temperature probes, and the other with 4 soil moisture sensors and 4 temperatures probes. See also the Complete Soil Moisture/Temperature Station for Vantage Pro2 which includes 4 soil moisture sensors and 4 temperature probes. Compatible with Vantage Pro2 only; not compatible with original Vantage Pro. For original Vantage Pro, use Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station.

Amazon Price: $174.90

Source From davis-weather-station-20
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